Never really gave dates much thought before. They’re an unpredictable fruit and I’ve generally tended to be suspicious of them what with their stone/ no-stone dental anxiety and their mildly sticky business. Yet in the interests of cultural mind broadening I pushed the boat way out and had some for breakfast (amongst other things of course; it was a buffet after all). When in Dubai, do as the Dubidoos do! Well it’s obvious to me now that the date growing countries of the world send all the shit dates to us western folk and keep all the good ones because these were great dates mate. First of all proper dates have stones intact. None of this maybe neutered, maybe not roulette. In date-land you know where you stand. Second of all, just creamy taste and texture without dried up hard bits or any of that stringy thing going on. Brilliant!
Pointy Skyline

Possibly a bit leany

How Now Brown Dows

Is this an example of cultural juxtaposition?